Revised Environmental Study Report
Based on comments received from the review of the Environmental Study Report posted on January 7, 2022, an updated report may be viewed below. Appendix D was also revised and is below as well. Please refer to the January 7th post for all other appendix documents.
Selecting the file name will open the PDF in your browser. The Download button will save the file to your computer.
Anticipated Project Timeline
Final Notice
Notice of Study Completion
The County of Bruce initiated a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process in October 2019 to consider options associated with replacement of the Teeswater River Bridge which spans the Teeswater River along Bruce Road 3 in the community of Paisley (as shown on the below key plan). As part of the Class EA process, the County is considering a range of design alternatives associated with the new bridge as well as detour alternatives to allow traffic to detour around the site during construction of the new crossing. A preferred alternative for the bridge design and detour has now been selected. The proposed bridge will be a two-span structure with wider sidewalks and viewing platforms on both sides. The railing will also be designed with a lower parapet wall and decorative railing to allow unobstructed views of the river. An in-town temporary detour route was selected for local traffic to minimize impacts to residents and the commercial district during reconstruction of the bridge.
The Environmental Assessment Process
The planning for this project is following the planning process established for Schedule āCā activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document. Schedule āCā projects must complete all five phases of the Class EA, which is undertaken in order to identify potential environmental impacts associated with the proposal and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts. The purpose of the Environmental Assessment process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated with the proposal and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts. The environmental assessment process has now been completed. There were no negative impacts identified with the project that could not be mitigated.
Public Involvement
For further information on this project, please contact the project engineers: B.M. Ross and Associates Ltd.: 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (Toll Free): (888) 524-2641. Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner (e-mail:, prior to February 6, 2022. Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. An Environmental Screening Report, documenting the environmental assessment conducted for this project is available for public review on the Updates section of this website.
Interested persons may provide written comments to the project team by February 6, 2022. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to Jim Donohoe, Engineering Manager at the County of Bruce, email: or telephone: (519) 881-2400. In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e., requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name for the ministry.
Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for additional conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy those potential adverse impacts, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request. The request should be sent in writing or by email to:
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5th Floor Toronto, ON, M7A 2J3 | Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor Toronto, ON, M4V 1P5 |
Requests should also be sent to the County of Bruce by mail or by e-mail. This notice issued by County of Bruce, Jim Donohoe, P. Eng., Engineering Manager.
This notice can also be viewed or downloaded with the following link:
Environmental Study Report
The Class EA process and findings of various studies have been documented in the below report. The body of the report has been separated in order to reduce download size. Selecting the file name will open the PDF in your browser. The Download button will save the file to your computer.
The appendices of the Environmental Study Report can be viewed individually below:
Second Public Meeting Presentation
The following is the recorded presentation and question and answers from the Virtual Second Public Meeting held on May 18, 2021.
Feedback on the presentation material must be submitted by May 26th, 2021 in order to be included in the summary of consultation being presented to Bruce County Council.
Notice of Second Public Meeting
Public consultation is a key component of this study. A second Virtual Public Meeting has been scheduled to update residents of the current status of the project. The meeting will provide additional details of the project, including the preliminary findings of a hydrology study, bridge design alternatives, and discussion of the preferred detour route. This meeting will also provide residents with the opportunity to provide additional comments on the project. Details of the meeting are as follows:
Date: Tuesday May 18, 2021
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Format: Virtual Meeting
Due to Covid-19 concerns, the meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom platform. Pre-registration is required to participate during the meeting. Presentation material will be posted on this project website as of May 12, 2021, to allow residents an opportunity to review the material in advance. Representatives from the County of Bruce and the project engineers, will be present at the meeting to answer questions.
Please contact Lisa Courtney at or (888) 524-2641 x- 238 to register for participation in the meeting.
Please submit your comments on the presentation material to the project engineers, either through the Contact form on this website or at the following:
B.M. Ross and Associates: 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (Toll Free): (888) 524-2641. Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner (e-mail: If you are unable to access the presentation material on-line, please contact BMROSS and alternative arrangements will be made.
Comments collected in conjunction with this project will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Public Meeting Materials
The following are the materials in support of the Virtual Public Meeting held on September 22, 2020. The materials include a recording of the meeting presentation as well as nine poster boards listed below.
Notice of Public Meeting
Public consultation is a key component of this study. A Virtual Public Meeting has been scheduled to advise residents of the current status of the project and to receive additional input from interested parties. Details of the meeting are as follows:
Date: Tuesday September 22, 2020
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Format: Virtual Meeting
Due to Covid-19 concerns, the meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom platform. Pre-registration is required to participate during the meeting. Presentation material will be posted on this project website as of September 14, 2020, to allow residents an opportunity to review the material in advance. Representatives from the County of Bruce and the project engineers, will be present at the meeting to answer questions.
Please contact Lisa Courtney at or (888) 524-2641 x- 238 to register for participation in the meeting. When registering for the meeting, please indicate if you would like to speak or just want to view the proceedings. Following a review of the presentation material, a question and answer period will be held allowing residents to ask questions of the project engineer and County representatives.
Please submit your comments on the presentation material to the project engineers, either through the Contact form on this website or at the following:
B.M. Ross and Associates: 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (Toll Free): (888) 524-2641. Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner (e-mail: If you are unable to access the presentation material on-line, please contact BMROSS and alternative arrangements will be made.
Comments collected in conjunction with this project will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Detour Options
There are three detour options being considered while the bridge is being replaced. The three options are below.